How are you faring this Mercury Retrograde season? If you’re desperate for a shift in energy, you’re in good company—and you’re in luck! Mercury Retrograde enters Leo on Wednesday, August 14 at 8:15PM ET, switching the energetic focus from refinement to self-expression. Planets don’t always change signs during their retrograde cycles, so we’re entering a very pivotal portal.
When Mercury performs its backwards dance—regardless of the sign it occupies—, we enter a period of reflection and re-evaluation. We’re prompted to look backwards, instead of forwards. We’re encouraged to consider what the past can teach us about the present. Given Leo’s ties to play and creativity, this installment of Mercury Retrograde provides us with the unique and powerful opportunity to center inner-child work.
For the next two-weeks, until August 28, Mercury’s backwards spin will encourage you to build confidence in your creativity and self-expression, reconnect with your youthful spirit, and strengthen your relationship to your inner child.
So, how, exactly, will this transit help you work with your inner child? What can you do to make the most of it? And what does it mean for you, personally? Below, everything you need to know about this empowering portal, including a variety of exercises to help you unlock the wisdom of your inner child in real time.
Mercury Rx & Your Inner-Child
Remember when you and your friends made up a dance routine, practiced it all day, and performed it for any adult who would watch? Or when you were filled with anxious excitement for show-and-tell at school, so you could present a special piece of yourself to the class? This is the essence of Leo energy. Whether or not you were a fervent performer or a show-and-tell enthusiast as a child, we all have the innate desire to create and share.