Ritual for the Full Moon in Scorpio
Reinvigorate your manifestation practice now that Eclipse Season is officially over!
Blessed Full Moon, friends!
Full Moons are associated with clarity, culmination, completion, and release. With the Moon illuminating Scorpio’s mysterious realm, you’re invited to dig deep into the depths of your psyche and shed old habits and patterns in order to make room for new growth.
This lunation is extremely powerful. It’s the first Full Moon since Eclipse Season, creating a vibrant portal for manifestation. After having paused our intention-setting practices in observance of the Lunar Eclipse in Libra and the Solar Eclipse in Aries, it’s time to communicate our newfound desires to the universe with conviction, passion, and, of course, magic!
This ritual prompts you to explore the wholeness of your human experience, reflecting on Eclipse Season to illuminate what you’re being called to release and what you’re being invited to embrace. Using the magic baked into the Taurus-Scorpio axis, you’ll be working with themes of life and death, growth and decay, abundance and absence as you craft your sacred intentions. Together, we’ll explore everything you need to know about this Full Moon in Scorpio and how to harness its energy to perform an empowering manifestation ritual. Let’s do it!