Notable Astrology Happenings
Monday, April 8 2:21PM ET: Solar Eclipse in Aries (19°)
Monday, April 8 2:28PM ET: Sun conjunct Chiron (19° Aries)
Wednesday, April 10 4:36PM ET: Mars conjunct Saturn (14° Pisces)
Thursday, April 11 7:03PM ET: Sun conjunct Mercury Rx (22° Aries)
Who felt the earthquake on Friday?? If you needed a reminder about Eclipse Season, that was surely it! We have a powerful Solar Eclipse crossing the United States this afternoon (timing and location details here), yielding not just a powerful optical display but—astrologically speaking—a major turning point. Eclipses correspond with times of major transition. So, right now, it’s safe to say we’re on the edge of something major.
Eclipses force sudden shifts in perspective and changes in reality, and an earthquake is a pretty literal manifestation of that energy. Any shocking (pun intended) event spurred by Mother Nature can instantly propel us into fight, flight, or freeze mode, evoking confusion, fear, action, anxiety, and excitement in a matter of seconds.
As we continue to navigate Eclipse Season and absorb the much-anticipated Solar Eclipse in Aries, I encourage you to reflect on your own fight, flight, and freeze instincts, exploring how your gut reactions to unexpected news, sudden changes, and transformation support or limit your personal growth and healing journey.
Now, without further ado, let’s answer your FAQ’s about the historic Solar Eclipse!
1. Is it safe to look at the Eclipse?
As long as you’re using specialized Eclipse glasses, then yes, it is totally safe to look at! It’s important to note that Eclipse glasses are not the same as your daily-wear sunglasses. Eclipse glasses are thousands of times darker than your regular shades, so be sure to secure safe solar viewers that comply with the ISO 12312-2 international standard to protect your eyes.
From a ~spiritual~ POV, it’s also totally okay (and encouraged, imo!) to witness this miraculous celestial event. Relish the magic of this rare opportunity!
2. Will I be impacted by the Eclipse even if I don’t see it IRL?
Yes! No matter where in the world you find yourself when the Eclipse strikes, its impact will reverberate on an energetic level, sparking realizations, pivots, and transformations personally and collectively.
3. Which signs are affected?
Everyone is going to be impacted by the Eclipse! Remember, all birth charts contain each of the 12 zodiac signs, so no matter the unique configuration of your personal chart, the Eclipse will activate your celestial makeup and your lived experience in one way or another. Learn about what this Solar Eclipse means for you individually here.
At the same time, certain folks might feel the affects of this Eclipse more acutely than others. If you have placements in Aries, or in any of the other cardinal signs (Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn), this cosmic event will be especially intense. The Sun, Moon, and Lunar Nodes will make strong aspects to these signs, exposing insight and catalyzing metamorphosis.
Furthermore, planets and placements at 19° will be activated in major ways. Since the Eclipse strikes the heavens at 19° Aries, any celestial bodies or points you have at this degree (in any sign) will be making an exact aspect to the Eclipse, opening a direct portal to its transformational energy.
Lastly, if you have your Nodes in Aries and Libra, this Eclipse represents a powerful check-point in your soul’s journey. Whether you’re going through your Nodal Return (North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra) or your Nodal Opposition (North Node in Libra and South Node in Aries), this Eclipse is likely to bring about inspiring opportunities or important pivots to help you align with your destiny.
Ready to go deeper? Check out our exclusive Solar Eclipse deep dive here.
4. If I can’t manifest, how can I honor this Eclipse?
There are so many ways! Eclipses are important and pivotal periods of transformation and realignment, inviting us into reflection, presence, and receptivity.
If you haven’t already, pull out your journal and write about what’s going on in your life right now. Reflect on what’s coming to fruition and what’s winding down. Note any major changes that are in motion. Record the people, places, events, objects, and ideas that are shaping your reality. Acknowledging where you are and where you’ve been is a great way to appreciate the progress you’ve made and build hope for the future.
If you want to get really granular with it, you can track your personal development over the entire series of Eclipses from 2013–2016, along with the first few Eclipses in this series, to weave together your Eclipse narrative and reveal your growth through the years.
Practicing gratitude is another great way to honor the Eclipse. Whether you name what you’re grateful for to a friend or loved one, in a notebook, to yourself in the mirror, or simply in your mind’s eye, embodying your gratitude forges benevolent connections with the Universe and helps you identify the beauty, joy, and love in your life.
Finally, I encourage you to engage in activities that help you open your mind, heart, and spirit to pivots and opportunities that will undoubtedly come your way. Whether you soften your heart through yoga, walks in the woods, or quality time with friends, staying grounded and solidifying your support systems are powerful ways to help you embrace change and transformation.
5. When is it safe to manifest again?
You can reboot your manifestation practices starting on Monday, April 15 (the first quarter Moon after the Eclipse). The Full Moon in Scorpio on Tuesday, April 23 will be the first major lunation to activate the cosmos since the beginning of Eclipse Season, creating a powerful portal for intention-setting. In Constellation Club, we’ll be performing an exciting ceremony to celebrate the Full Moon in Scorpio, including a cleansing manifestation ritual to release any lingering stagnant energy from Eclipse Season and communicate our newfound desires to the Universe. Register here!
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