The Week Ahead (1.29.24 through 2.4.24)
On inspirational aspects to Uranus and Neptune, letting your raw impulses take the lead, and listening closely to your intuition.
The Astrology Forecast
Missed last week’s forecast? Read it here!
Hi friends! How was last week’s Full Moon in Leo for you? Did you receive any important insights? Gain any illuminating clarity? Perform any special manifestations? If you haven’t set intentions yet, there’s still time to do so! I published a bespoke spell last week that walks you through the significance of the Full Moon, along with an empowering ritual.
This week is all about following your intuition and impulses. We’re invited to tune into the wisdom of our bodies and our hearts in order to guide our decisions and actions. What feels good? What feels inspiring? What feels exciting? What feels expansive? The cosmos are filled with creative potential this week. Nurture your inner-child, follow your joy, and trust your gut feelings. They’ll lead you to some pretty magical places, if you let them.
On Monday, January 29 at 6:41PM ET, Mars at 19° Capricorn forms an energizing trine to Uranus at 19° Taurus, infusing the heavens with a healthy dose of inspiration. What a great way to start the week!
Named after the god of war, Mars is the planet of action, motivation, determination, and vitality. In the sign of Capricorn, Mars is incredibly resourceful, crafting savvy strategies and investing its energy wisely. Well beyond Mars, in the deep sea of the cosmos, we find Uranus, the planet of shock and awe, which represents revelation, sudden change, and creative genius. In Taurus, Uranus’ influence is intimately tied to the material world.
So, when Mars and Uranus meet up at a 120° angle, you’re encouraged to break free from your standard routine and try something new. Embrace unexpected invitations. Trust your raw impulses. Take a leap of faith. Surprise yourself with your own potential.
What desires are brewing within your heart that you deem impractical or unattainable? Do you doubt your ability to achieve your dreams? Are you feeling discouraged by the pressure we all face as cogs in a capitalist machine? Under this sky, you have the celestial backing to curb self-limiting beliefs and revitalize your soul. It’s about time, right?
Today, prioritize your passions. Let your duties, obligations, and expectations take a back seat—even if only for a few hours. See what happens when you allow your raw life force to take the lead.
If you’re reluctant to heed this call, know that Mars and Uranus are both in earth signs, meaning we’re able to seize the unexpected while also staying grounded. Perhaps you’ll receive a spontaneous date-night invitation, or attend an impromptu concert, or spend some time making art, or receive word of an exciting opportunity. Whatever it is, follow your desires and embrace the unexpected. When you lean into this celestial energy, you have the potential to gain inspiring insight and engage in expansive personal growth.
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Aquarius Season: Horoscopes & More
Pluto in Aquarius: What It Means For You
In the wee morning hours of Tuesday, at 3:04AM ET, the Moon moves into Libra, amplifying our collective desire for ease, flow, and prudence. The surge of energy you felt yesterday is now starting to mellow out, and you might already be questioning the insights or opportunities you received. Perhaps you’re worried that this newfound truth about yourself or your next endeavor will disrupt the idea your friends and family have about who you are. Don’t let your fear of critique or disharmony prevent you from following the thread of inspiration you discovered yesterday.
You’re not responsible for upholding others’ beliefs about your passions or purpose or goals. Rather, your mission is to honor your own self-discovery process, and invite others into the journey with you. Those who are truly meant for you will celebrate your unexpected pivots. They will want to see you grow and change and thrive as a result of your self-actualization journey. They will relish your evolution right alongside you.

So, for the next few days, don’t let others' opinions—or your preconceived notions about what their opinions will be—shape your innate desires or sway your next steps. Stand in your truth. Share it with joy—and tact (I mean, we have to throw the Moon in Libra a little bone!). There are ways to respectfully express and advocate for your own wants and needs while accounting for others’ emotions and experiences. It doesn’t need to be either/or. Why not have your cake and eat it, too?
As the Moon slithers into Scorpio on the afternoon of Thursday, February 1, at 3:37PM ET, we’ll experience another notable shift in energy. You may be feeling a bit more reserved, secretive, or vulnerable than usual. Instead of retreating into your inner world and feeding into resentment, loneliness, or melancholy, challenge yourself to open your heart in ways that may feel a bit unnatural or uncomfortable. Scorpio certainly has a reputation for being secretive and strategic, holding its proverbial cards close to its chest, but this is simply a measure of protection. Beneath the carefully curated facade, a Scorpio Moon holds an entire universe of profound sensitivities, complex emotions, and intriguing insights, along with a library of memories that tell the tale of all its past experiences—the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Suffice it to say, the Moon in Scorpio houses immense emotional depth. With this cosmic influence coloring the heavens, your first reaction may be to protect your extra-sensitive soul for the next few days. However, stifling all your emotions tends to breed a whole host of unanticipated side-effects—you may default to self-destructive behaviors, or unfairly take out your frustrations on others. And there’s a different better way to go about managing your sensitivities. While expressing vulnerability can be incredibly difficult, scary, and revealing, exploring the depth of your internal world with trusted loved ones leads to greater intimacy, solid trust, and deeper bonds. You don’t have to go through your pain and sorrow alone. Your people want to support you. We all want to support one another. We simply need to find the courage to invite people into our hearts.
So, for the next few days, pay close attention to your emotional world. Explore your sensitivities in a journal. Let go of lingering resentments. Allow yourself to reframe past experiences, transforming pain into power. Open your mind to new and surprising insights about yourself. Consider this an opportunity to cleanse your heart with truth, honesty, openness, and compassion.
On Friday, February 2 at 5:55AM ET, Mercury at 25° Capricorn forms a sextile to Neptune at 25° Pisces. Mercury is the planet of communication and cognition, while Neptune represents the boundless imagination, so this cosmic cocktail encourages fantasy, romance, and mysticism. It's the perfect day to dream!
While Neptune is celebrated for its artistic talents, it is also the planet of confusion and delusion. When it plays a major role in a planetary meet-up, we can become disoriented, overwhelmed, or out of touch with reality. With Mercury operating under its archetypal influence, our logical minds are a little foggy. In other words, don’t tackle any major analytical or detail-oriented projects today—that’s a recipe for frustration.
Instead, lean into your artistic side. Nurture your fantasies. See what emerges when you let your intuition take the wheel. While it’s important to stay grounded in reality, Neptune reminds us of the beauty of dreaming. After all, how can we participate in our own self-actualization journeys if we can’t imagine better futures for ourselves? This is a powerful day for ideation, inspiration, and world-building—you can sort out all the details later.
In Constellation Club, I’ll be hosting a Money Manifestation Workshop this coming Thursday, February 1 at 8PM ET. Together, we’ll explore abundance from an astrological POV, enabling you to activate your greatest potential for giving and receiving. Hope to see you there! (P.S. replays are available!)
Card of the Week
The Chariot (from Jody Boginski Barbessi’s Inversion Tarot)
This week invites you to cultivate your inner-power. The Chariot card depicts a figure clad in a full suit of elaborately-decorated armor, representing ambition, willpower, protection, and spiritual evolution. Accordingly, you’re encouraged to turn your attention inwards in order to cultivate strength, determination, and motivation from the inside out. You have goals in mind—now it’s about cultivating the courage to take physical action towards them.
The Chariot card reminds us of the importance of emotional and spiritual bravery, in addition to courageous physical action. In order to forge ahead, you must address the insecurities that are holding you back. You must identify your innate emotional and spiritual sources of inspiration and strength. You must understand that with growth comes a necessary shedding process, which can kick up unexpected emotions—including grief.
As you work towards your external goals, don’t ignore your emotional needs. Tend to your heart. Give yourself compassion as you navigate the ups and downs of life. Fortify your soul with love and support as you make steps towards your dreams.
Aliza’s Mommy Updates
Katrin connected with Aliza to get the inside scoop on her life with newborn Talula.
How are you and Talula doing?