Notable Astrology Happenings
Tuesday, February 27 3:30AM ET: Mars (10º Aquarius) square Jupiter (10º Taurus)
Wednesday, February 28 4:25PM ET: Sun conjunct Saturn (9º Pisces)
Friday, March 1 7:15AM: Sun (11º Pisces) sextile Jupiter (11º Taurus)
Saturn’s Deluge
As we wrap up the astrological year, the planets form dreamy, fleeting connections. It reminds me of the last day of school, when—just as you’re about to walk out the door—you stumble upon an old friend in the hallway.
“What are you doing this summer?” you ask, in earnest, but the interaction is strange. Your bags are packed, the car is waiting, it’s time to go. Lingering in the space between here and there—this transitional realm—feels both eerie and awkward. You’re not meant to dwell in a threshold; you’re meant to pass through it. Your breath becomes a stopwatch; you’re counting the seconds before you can politely bow out of this poorly coordinated exchange. “That sounds fun! Have a great summer!”
Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and likewise, this season can feel like dangling between worlds. So, naturally, this week’s planetary happenings reflect the essence of these transient interactions. In astrology, the impact of an event is measured by the frequency of its occurrence. The further out the planets, the rarer the alignment. And, of course, certain aspects are more exceptional than others.
This week, the most notable cosmic motion comes by way of the Sun and Saturn, both in Pisces: These two celestial bodies will be forming their annual connection on Wednesday, February 28. The Sun symbolizes ego and self, while Saturn represents time, wisdom, and responsibility.
Sun conjunct Saturn isn’t flashy or theatrical—it doesn’t carry the volatility of an eclipse, or the mysterious enchantment of the recent Pluto ingress. Sun conjunct Saturn is simply a rubric. An evaluation. A mandatory exit survey. In many ways, this austere, Saturinan astrology is the realest astrology. When the cosmos scream, it’s easy to get distracted—to get whipped into a whirlwind of what ifs. And whether those spiralic thoughts feel like exciting anticipation or disconcerting anxiety, major astrological happenings can—perhaps ironically—take us out of the moment.
There’s no planet more adamant about seizing the moment than Saturn. Saturn’s glyph is modeled after the sickle—the ancient harvesting tool that reaps the grain. Did you know that the Grim Reaper itself is actually an interpretation of Saturn’s mythology? Death is, in fact, a Saturnian principle. When it’s time to go, it’s time to go. No loitering allowed. That’s the Saturn way.
But the Grim Reaper relies on fundamental truths to ~execute~ its responsibilities—and, during Pisces Season, those baselines cease to exist. These days, we loiter in thresholds. We contemplate infinity. We mediate with mermaids. Perhaps even the Grim Reaper can be swept away by Pisces’ poetic tides.
With Saturn in Pisces through 2025, this cut-and-dry planet has lost its edge—a sickle is inoperable underwater. Maybe Sun conjunct Saturn will allow us to bend time? Or negotiate our responsibilities? Or simply linger in the liminal?
Of course it’s during Pisces Season that leap years happen; an extra day in a month, as elusive as the Bermuda Triangle. TANC. And this week, the day after the Sun and Saturn connect, we experience that leap year enchantment—February extends for another 24-hours. February 29 exists again.
So, Saturn wants to know: what will you do with your slippery, extra time? Even if waterlogged Saturn can accept that time isn’t linear, Saturn needs us to know that it’s still important. It’s still moving. It’s still fleeting.
This week, Saturn invites you to stay in these liminal spaces just a little longer. Maybe, just maybe, a threshold isn’t a place to pass through. Maybe it’s a destination to soak up all the lessons and wisdom and divine order that swirl within strange in-betweens.
Maybe you’re already exactly where you need to be—the sacred space between here and there.
I’m hosting a How To Read a Birth Chart workshop this Thursday, February 29 (on the leap year!) at 8PM EST in Constellation Club (replays available). This workshop is perfect for anyone looking to connect the dots, both beginners and aspiring practitioners alike.
Register here. Hope to see you there! x
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