Notable Astrology Happenings
Tuesday, March 5 6:46AM ET: North Node conjunct Chiron (17º Aries)
Friday, March 8 10:06AM ET: Mercury conjunct Neptune (27º Pisces)
Saturday, March 9 11:03PM ET: Mercury enters Aries
Sunday, March 10 5:00AM ET: New Moon (20º Pisces)
Anxiety is a siren; intuition is a whisper.
I hold this axiom close—it’s an incredibly helpful way to identify different nervous system experiences that, if you’re not acutely aware, are easy to conflate. The spiralic swirl of an anxious mind feels like a hurricane (triggered by an initial thought, anxiety grows in strength, speed, and intensity), whereas intuition is steady, consistent, and stable.
Intuition is a download. A ping. A transmission.
And, unlike anxiety, intuition rarely speaks in narrative form.
Intuition is often just a feeling. And, especially as we navigate Pisces Season—gearing up for the soulful, mystical New Moon at the end of the week—we’re invited to surrender to these abstract experiences. To embrace the complex imprints we receive across all dimensions. To trust the truths that materialize first in the psychic sector.
I’m always keen on separating “psychic powers” from the ick of New Age Spirituality. You don’t need to ascend to the 5D—or whatever the culty terminology is—to access your intuitive, psychic abilities. In fact, connecting with those innate skills is an extremely grounded, rooted, and terrestrial experience. The more anchored you are, the easier it will be to access your sharp extrasensory perceptions.
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Stepping away from the mental noise—that incessant, cerebral clambering—invites us into our psychic powers, as we become more connected to our true mammalian nature. You see, our extrasensory abilities are part of what makes us human; they’re baked into our DNA. Just as other animals use their myriad senses to detect dangers, we humans also use a host of skills to understand both explicit and implicit situations. Our external senses—sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch—help us understand the tangible world, but our intuitive senses connect us to the truths that exist beyond the physical sector. Beyond the veil.
We can experience different types of knowing in different ways, with different senses, in different parts of our body. For example, intuiting that your friend—who’s going through a difficult time—is going to be okay, is not the same as feeling a spirit presence in a home. Similarly, picking up on subtle shifts of energy in your environment won’t necessarily feel the same as when you meet “the one.” Each is a different context, and everyone metabolizes these experiences in their own unique way—and, as always, there’s no right or wrong. It’s simply about learning how to work with your own intuitive sensibilities.
Isolating different types of psychic experiences is a great way to learn your own unique style of intuiting. And, because these experiences are often so abstract and difficult to describe, it’s helpful to explore the variety of named psychic sensations.
Meet the clairs…
Clairvoyance: Clear seeing (“I saw my deceased grandmother at the lake.”)
Clairaudience: Clear hearing (“I heard a voice telling me to leave.”)
Clairsentience: Clear feeling (“I felt the pain in his hip.”)
Claircognizance: Clear knowing (“I knew the password to her email.”)
Clairalience: Clear smelling (“It smelled like cinnamon, which meant danger.”)
Clairgustance: Clear tasting (“I tased borscht when I woke up, and new my mother was about to call.”
Working with the clairs is a great way to explore the range of your extrasensory abilities. Which are the most accessible to you? For me, I connect most closely to clairsentience (feeling), claircognizance (knowing), and clairalience (smelling). Interestingly, clairvoyance (perhaps the most widely known clair) is my weakest sense, so it’s unlikely (though not impossible) that I receive transmissions through visions.
This week, Neptune is working overtime. Neptune, the distant planet that spins on the edge of our solar system, represents imagination, creativity, and fantasy… along with all that cannot be explained. Neptune swallows boundaries and limitations and rationality. Without the confines of structure, wisdom is anchored through a different set of principles: Divinity, compassion, and poetry are the pillars of transcendence.
By the time Mercury enters fiery Aries on Saturday, you’ll have the confidence to articulate these vibrant, multi-sensory experiences. After all, your psychic skills don’t need to be something you tuck away. You don’t need to downplay your knowing. Or minimize your powers. Intuition can be a tightness in your shoulders, or a hawk circling overhead, or an old song that pops up out of nowhere.
Share your magic. Embrace it. Explore it. Treat your intuition with the sacred reverence it deserves—illuminated speckles across the veil.
In Constellation Club, we’ll be performing a dynamic ceremony to celebrate the New Moon in Pisces. Join our Coven Meeting this coming Monday, March 11 at 8PM ET. Can’t wait to see you there! (P.S. replays are available!)
This & That
What I’m listening to… Sunday Sunny Mill Valley Groove Day by Sir Douglas Quintent
What I’m reading… Inner Knowing: Consciousness, Creativity, Insight, and Intuition edited by Helen Palmer
What I’m loving… these bras from The Little Milk Bar—perfect for nursing or just wearing!
Aliza’s Mommy Updates
Katrin and I connected to get the inside scoop on my life with newborn Talula.
How are you and Talula doing?