What Chiron Says About Your Healing Journey
All about the "wounded healer" and how to work with it.
Meet Chiron, the “wounded healer” in astrology. While Chiron may not be as popular as your Big Three, it’s an incredibly powerful celestial body that should not be overlooked. Unpacking your personal Chiron placement will help you illuminate your deepest wounds and how to heal them. It encourages you to explore the darkest corners of your psyche and soul in order to cultivate profound compassion, love, and strength. And, its impact transcends the personal: Chiron inspires us to heal ourselves so that we can help heal the world around us.
So, what does this powerful comet mean for you? How does it show up in your life? And how can you work with it? Below, everything you need to know about Chiron, including its sign and house placement in your birth chart.