Notable Astrology Happenings
Monday, March 25 3:00AM ET: Lunar Eclipse (5° Libra)
Thursday, March 28 9:58AM ET: Venus (20° Pisces) sextile Uranus (20° Taurus)
How do you feel about change? Are you someone who likes the shocking, uncertainty of the unknown—the adrenaline rush of a high-stakes coin toss? Or do you prefer the quiet comfort of your status quo? Steady, consistent, sometimes boring equilibrium?
We’re all chasing an ideal happy medium: We would like to exist somewhere between constant metamorphosis and grueling monotony. There’s a sweet spot—we believe—that is both new and exciting, and cozy and reliable. And, I agree, that this mythical space exists. Our collection of life experiences will probably land all of us pretty close to that midpoint.
But, when big change happens, it’s rarely well-balanced.
When we go through a transformation, we’re all in. The ground wobbles. Furniture shakes. Dust is unsettled, our vantage unleveled. And that’s just ~the deal.~ In order to experience those massive, life-changing blessings—the kind that dazzle our wildest dreams—we must ride out these proverbial earthquakes. We must be willing to tolerate the tremors.
At exactly 3:00AM EST (the “real” witching hour), the Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra exacted in the heavens. This Eclipse is the third installment of the six-part series, and everything you need to know about it has been outlined in this comprehensive guide. Interestingly, this in the only Lunar Eclipse on the Aries-Libra axis; the rest are all Solar Eclipses. So, this particular Eclipse—more than any other in this series—invites us to reflect. To mediate. To journey inward. And, right now, I invite you to ask yourself:
Are you really ready to change?
Most of the time, Eclipses don’t give you the option—that’s why these cosmic occurrences have a reputation of being so unhinged. You could be relaxing in your fuzziest socks (happy, content), and the next thing you know, someone slaps a number on your back and you’re running a televised marathon (in your fuzziest socks). Because Eclipses are linked to destiny (more on that here), they allege to know better than we do. They’re working on a different timeline, addressing matters too far beyond our immediate vantage to comprehend.
But, even though Eclipses will shove us into new situations, we don’t lose our freewill. Depending on the way this cosmic occurrence hits your chart, the Universe’s guidance might be painstakingly obvious or a bit more subtle. Especially if it’s the latter, we may choose to ignore—or perhaps even override—the messages. For example, the Eclipse may indicate that it’s time to break up… but you choose to stay in the relationship. Or, maybe the Eclipse suggests a radical career change… but you just don’t want to deal with starting a business from scratch. It’s not often discussed, but it is possible to ignore the rumblings of an Eclipse.
Sometimes we’re just not ready.
So as we move through this week—against the backdrop of the Lunar Eclipse, and with the powerful Solar Eclipse inching closer and closer on the horizon—I encourage you to get really, courageously honest. What if, in order for you most ambitious hopes and wishes to come true, you had to endure major change? Can you handle the shockwaves? What would you be willing to let go of? Are you ready to take off your fuzzy socks?
If the answer is not right now, that’s okay. Be gentle with yourself. Sway with this Lunar Eclipse, but hold onto the doorway and try not to lose your footing.
If the answer is let’s do this shit, then lean into it. Transformation is messy, and growth spurts can be painful. But know that Universe is always conspiring in your favor. You are protected. And, with the powerful renewal energy of Aries Season supporting you, trust that—no matter how chaotic it seems—everything is working out.
In Constellation Club, we’ll be performing a dynamic workshop to explore the Lunar Eclipse in Libra. Join our Coven Meeting TONIGHT Monday, March 25 at 8PM ET. Can’t wait to see you there! (P.S. replays are available!)
This & That
What I’m contemplating… it seems like Adam Grant (popular Internet psychologist / notorious astrology denier) has emboldened a fresh batch of toxic masculinity with his recent essay and video against astrology. I could go on (and on, and on) about this phenomenon: People (predominantly cis-men) shaming others for their interest in astrology. As I’ve been navigating the metaphysical space for a decade, I’ve encountered this person—and their exact same messaging—time and time again. Adam Grant is an archetype.
As I’ve always said, I’m not an astrology evangelist. I’m not here to convince anyone that astrology is “real”—I’m not even sure how it all works! The point isn’t about “proving” astrology’s efficacy as a science; it’s about recognizing its extraordinary value as a mediation, a reflection. It’s an art, a creative expression. It’s a practice in empathy. Conversations around astrology are rich, textural, and multilayered—it’s a way for us to understand self and others. And it’s a powerful tool for building confidence, connection, and cultivating a spiritual framework.
And if it’s not for you, that’s fine! No problem! Not everything is for everyone! What irks me about this Adam Grant archetype is not that they don’t understand astrology; it’s that they bully people for liking it.
Wouldn’t a psychologist like Adam Grant know that it’s ethically irresponsible (and incredibly unkind) to ridicule people for their healthy and empowering beliefs and practices? Or that our qualitative experiences—like the ones expressed through spirituality and metaphysics—can coexist with science? Or that intellectualism can extend to esoteric topics?
Alas, the dudes do not abide. And now, please enjoy these examples of bullying by way of the Adam Grant archetype over the years:
A few years ago, I was able to go head-to-head with Neil deGrasse Tyson, in what was truly one of the most invigorating experiences of my entire life:
Have you ever been bullied or shamed for your metaphysical interests? Who was it, and how did it make you feel? Do you still feel like you need to “hide” your passions to avoid judgment or scrutiny? Please share in the comments—I want to hear from you! And, remember, you’re not alone! ♥️
Aliza’s Mommy Updates
Katrin and I connected to get the inside scoop on my life with newborn Talula.
How are you and Talula doing?