Notable Astrology Happenings
Monday, May 13 5:13AM ET: Sun conjunct Uranus (23° Taurus)
Monday, May 13 3:45PM ET: Venus (17° Taurus) sextile Saturn (17° Pisces)
Wednesday, May 15 1:05PM ET: Mercury enters Taurus
Friday, May 17 3:44AM ET: Mercury (2° Taurus) square Pluto (2° Aquarius)
Saturday, May 18 7:40AM ET: Venus conjunct Uranus (23° Taurus)
Saturday, May 18 2:45PM ET: Sun conjunct Jupiter (28° Taurus)
Sunday, May 19 6:45PM ET: Sun (29° Taurus) sextile Neptune (29° Pisces)
Somehow, we’re in the final days of Taurus Season. Time continues to move exceptionally quickly, and now, as a mother, this scares me more than ever.
In the past several months, I’ve become painfully aware of the clock; the same device used to track naps and wake windows ticks away the tale of mortality. I swear the clock in my daughter’s room—a sweet sculptural piece decorated with fairies and other enchanted woodland creatures—moves at twice the speed. And, yet, it’s not broken. It’s right on time.
But in this last week of Taurus Season—as the planets connect with each other across the impossibly wide sky—perhaps astrology can offer an antidote to the future: the present.
Taurus energy is grounded, rooted, stable. It’s the stuff of the earth. The poetry of Taurus is neither polished nor existential; Taurus’ magic is raw and real. Taurus builds off Aries’ impulsive momentum—Taurus is what it looks like when you actually arrive. If Aries sparks the match, Taurus is the candle that foster the flame. Elegant, solid, and consistent, Taurus holds us accountable to our intentions. It ensures that our desires—and we, too—are anchored in space and time.
This week, many storylines will be reaching important, climactic moments. Mercury (the planet of communication) joins the Sun (symbolizing self) and Venus (the planet of values) in Taurus, where Jupiter (the planet of expansion) and Uranus (innovation and rebellion) currently dwell. On a macro scale, it’s been powerful to witness the student protests so closely correlated to the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction that occurred on April 20. These protests were certainly foreshadowed in the astrology forecast, which I wrote about here:
“Taurus is associated with the physical earth, so this [Jupiter-Uranus] conjunction could accelerate the land-back movement and support large-scale decolonization.. So, let’s hope that this upcoming Jupiter-Uranus conjunction catalyzes change that aligns with the highest and greatest good. Change that is rooted in social justice. Change that that is fueled by liberation. Change that is grounded in sustainability. And equitability. And inclusivity. Change that supports collective freedom.”
As Jupiter separates from Uranus, it’s carrying the spirit of revolution. I wouldn’t be surprised if we see these themes continue throughout this week as we experience Jupiter and Uranus cazimis—especially since transformative, empire-destroying Pluto will be activated by way of messenger Mercury. Will the revolution be televised? Certainly by the time Jupiter reaches Gemini at the end of the month. But, until then, trust that the wick will continue to burn.
On a personal level, this week’s astrology offers an opportunity for you to collect all the information and wisdom you’ve gleaned over the past several months, and drop back into the present moment. Where are you right now? What’s happening in your immediate reality? What’s the scene out your window? What’s the feeling in your body?
Time is moving fast—but if we tune into the subtleties of each passing moment, we may discover that we have a lot more agency than we realize. That we are, in fact, guiding our path. That these narratives, which are finally beginning to come to a head, are—somehow—playing out exactly as they should. This week is about getting back home, back to yourself. Reclaim your spirit in the quiet spaces where echoes of identity linger, and remember who you are: alive, right now.
This & That
Let me read your birth chart!!! Spots are selling out to my upcoming Day Retreats—be sure to register in either New York or Los Angeles before it’s too late. Learn more here. (Payment plans available!!)
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