Notable Astrology Happenings
Monday, May 20 8:59AM ET: Sun enters Gemini
Wednesday, May 22 11:14AM ET: Sun (2° Gemini) trine Pluto (2° Aquarius)
Thursday, May 23 4:29AM ET: Venus conjunct Jupiter (29° Taurus)
Thursday, May 23 6:50AM ET: Venus (29° Taurus) sextile Neptune (29° Pisces)
Thursday, May 23 9:53AM ET: Full Moon in Sagittarius (2°)
Thursday, May 23 4:30PM ET: Venus enters Gemini
Thursday, May 23 5:45PM ET: Jupiter (29° Taurus) sextile Neptune (29° Pisces)
Saturday, May 25 7:16AM ET: Venus (2° Gemini) trine Pluto (2° Aquarius)
Saturday, May 25 7:15PM ET: Jupiter enters Gemini
This is one of those insane, fast-paced, high-octane weeks with so much going on that it feels… well, overwhelming. Overwhelming to think about. Overwhelming to write about. Overwhelming to embody.
Hello. Welcome to Gemini Season.
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac—the first air sign—and, likewise, it’s the first time we encounter this elemental energy. Air is inquisitive, social, innovative, and highly cerebral. Air is invisible, so it moves between, around, and through things: Air spreads fire, kicks up dirt, and makes waves.
In many way, Gemini is the rawest expression of this air sensibility. Gemini is tremendously curious—so curious, in fact, it needed to duplicate itself in order to explore its myriad hobbies and interests. You know how people say “there’s only one of me?!”—well, thankfully, Gemini solved for that. Gemini replicated itself and now there’s more than enough to go around! Which means, of course, that how we choose to channel our energy—and where we decide to direct our focus—may vacillate from one moment to the next.
There is an inherently scattered nature to Gemini; it’s mutable, after all. Gemini encourages us to change, to disperse, to disseminate. If we got too stuck during Taurus Season, Gemini Season will be sure to break things up. To ensure that the energy isn’t stagnating. To remind us that we’re still here. Still inspiring. Still alive.
Let’s put that Gemini oscillation to the test. Allow me to jump around for a moment, because this week, we also have lots of planets connecting with Neptune at 29º—a very powerful point known as the “anaretic degree.” Each zodiac sign is exactly 30º wide (the simple math is that the zodiac circle is 360º and, since there are 12 zodiac signs, 360º / 12 signs = 30º per sign), which start at 0º and conclude at 29º. When a planet enters a new zodiac sign, it always enters at 0º (today, for example, as the Sun just stepped into Gemini, it’s currently at 0º Gemini). Likewise, right as a planet prepares to exit a zodiac sign, it must move through the final degree, that critical, powerful, 29º spot. The “karma point,” where we drink in the last lessons of its respective zodiac sign.
Right before Venus and Jupiter cruise into Gemini’s domain, they briefly align with Neptune—the planet of illusion and delusion—at 29º Pisces. Neptune has been in Pisces since 2011, and this is the final year it will occupy this zodiac sign before it moves into Aries next year. As Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, and 29º is the last degree a planet can occupy, Neptune positioned at 29º Pisces is quite remarkable. In fact, it’s one of the most notable themes of 2024. This year, we’ve been tasked to reconcile many of our own illusions and delusions—to consider what’s real and what’s imagined—and get very clear on our belief systems. In a way, (re)naming this Substack “The Practice” was an expression of this task: what does it mean for us to truly commit to our spiritual truths?
If you don’t have the words yet to qualify your spirituality, you’re in luck. Another 2024 defining transit takes place at the end of this week, when Jupiter—the planet of expansion—enters the sign of Gemini.
Jupiter is big. Like, really big. In fact, it’s the largest planet in our solar system. The planet I lovingly refer to as “casino daddy,” Jupiter isn’t afraid to roll the dice, shoot its shot, and live in a state of suspended optimism. (Jupiter is actually associated with the Wheel of Fortune card in tarot.) Traditionally, Jupiter is considered an auspicious celestial body—the “greater benefic”—and is associated with fortune, luck, and life-changing blessings. But Jupiter can also just be more. Jupiter can be excess. Jupiter can be too much. And, in the sign of Gemini, Jupiter is a whole lot of… everything. And then, oddly, nothing at all?
You see, Jupiter doesn’t thrive in Gemini. Jupiter’s at home in the sign of Sagittarius—a sign associated with expansion, philosophy, and adventure. Sagittarius is about big-picture thinking and grandiose ideas. And Jupiter ~j’adores~ to indulge in Sagittarius’ sweeping vistas, deep conversations, and huge contemplations about the meaning of life. Gemini—the opposite sign of Sagittarius—simply doesn’t have time for that.
Gemini moves fast. It’s quick. Ruled by Mercury, the planet of communication, Gemini prefers to hop from one idea to the next; Gemini doesn’t have the desire to discuss theory for hours and hours at a time. Gemini’s learning style is staccato, and—on a bad day—can be easily distractable. And Jupiter just doesn’t move that fast; it’s a giant planet, after all (unlike Mercury, which zips through its orbit in about 30-days, Jupiter takes 12-years to complete a full rotation). Jupiter feels a little out of its element in Gemini (no pun intended), which is why this planet is considered to be in its detriment in this zodiac sign.
But, alas, in its detriment it will be. From Saturday, May 25 through next year (June 9, 2025), Jupiter will be sailing through Gemini’s curiouser and curiouser sky. We haven’t experienced Jupiter’s journey through Gemini for over a decade (the last time Jupiter was in Gemini was June 11, 2012 through June 25, 2013), so consider what was going on in your life way back then, and how you metabolized this fast-paced (and potentially noncommittal) energy.
Oh, did I mention there’s also a Full Moon this week? The Moon—the closest celestial body to our planet—is all about embodiment. How do we experience these transits on a personal, corporeal level? How do we make them real? On Thursday, under the Full Moon, we have a unique opportunity to explore the relationship between Gemini thoughts and Sagittarius theory. How do our day-to-day actions align with our big-picture perspectives? Where do they support each other and where is the tension? How can we expand through communication? How can we express ourselves freely and unabashedly?
Full Moons are excellent for clearing, purging, and releasing, so I invite you to work with us in the Constellation Club! I’m hosting a Coven Meeting for the Full Moon in Sagittarius on Thursday, May 23 at 8PM EST (if you can’t make the live, replays are available). Hope to see you there!
This & That
Our New York Day Retreat is sold out! But there are still spots in Los Angeles! Join us on Saturday, June 29 for a full-day, immersive deep-dive into you birth chart, magic, and ritual! Register here! Payment plans are available!
I started watching the “Surviving Death” series on Netflix—but I’m, chaotically, watching them out of order. The Near Death Experience episode gave me horrific anxiety, but I was (naturally) revitalized by the Reincarnation episode. Have you seen the series?
The Milk Reclamation Barn Wild Honeysuckle candle is now in rotation, which means it’s officially summer.
Aliza’s Mommy Updates
Katrin and I connected to get the inside scoop on my life with baby Talula.
How are you and Talula doing?